Rabu, 18 April 2012

Jatijajar cave

kalau bicara soal pariwisata Kebumen, sebagian besar dari anda mungkin sudah mendengarnya, but  for foreign people, absolutly no....if you want to know so lets chek this out,

Jatijajar cave
Jatijajar cave is a natural cave and it lies in Jatijajar village, Ayah subdistrict, Kebumen regency. This cave was formed of limestone about thousands years ago. This cave has length about 250 meters from the cave mouth, with average width about 15 meters and average high about 12 meters, whereas the thickness of canopy about 10 meters. It has been 50 meters above the sea level. Inside of this cave there are many stalactites and stalagmites, but just little parts of them still active until now. Beside there are many springs with the myth inside it. Now this cave is a tourism destination area in Kebumen regency because of the anxiety inside and around this cave that makes visitors comes. Until now Jatijajar cave has been contributing high values economics. However the development of this cave wasn’t balance with the management. Therefore many problems turn up because of this imbalance.
One of them is environment would damage specifically for the cave itself, because of development that wasn’t appropriate with nature everlasting value. Specific changes can we see at the cave function as tourism destination look different nowhere near natural caves. It was sign by cave activity have been on its last legs, such as stalactites and stalagmites are almost certain that non active. The reason of cause of fatal breakage one of them are construction of facility inside the cave such as upstairs and others. It makes ecosystems observer felt regrettably by them act.
Educational values and cultural attach coming into vanishing. Most visitors just visit this destination just for fun, its well but will better if organizers side are supplied learning aspect inside or before the cave for information about the cave, such as the history cave itself, cultural of local society, and other science that makes more experiences for visitors, that is just as well. Tourism ecology aspect was implying an interrelationship between visitors and local community that engage cultural dialogue on the strength of admiration at the each existence and integrity. If this cultural integrity are lost then be firm any advisable a tourism area, sooner or later would be left behind.
The foreign visitors who visit this cave have been decreasing over time. Arising on the score real local incoming was tended to decrease, less than twenty foreign visitors is comes to this cave yearlong. So tourism multiplier effect will of the wane.
There are several testify to organizer less attention. Mathieson and Wall (1982, in Dowling and Fennel, 2003: 7) a tourism specialist said “Planning for tourist development is a complex process which should involve consideration of diverse economic, environmental and social cultures”. Most tourism specialist almost compromised at the same mind for more pressing how interest integrity aspect at economy, environment and social culture in tourism managerial. This action for increasing a tourism destinations (Jatijajar cave) are used with responsibility. This responsible implementation is exploiting nature resource and environment under carrying capacity nature ecosystem.

Pitana, I Gde & I Ketut Surya Diarta. 2009. “Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata”. Penerbit Andi: Yogyakarta
Ranuhardjo, Rusmin & Agus Subadyo Fillpus. 2000 “Goa Jatijajar, Legenda Raden Kamandhaka”. Kebumen

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